Exciting Facts About Native American Art
Exciting Fact 1: Native American Art is of utmost importance for Native American culture. It’s in the market for the past thousands of years. Exciting Fact 2: The market of this art is divided into women and men related areas. The crafting was done by the women of the tribe. They were attractive to the eyes and had a geometric design. The men produced more graphical stuff. Exciting Fact 3: Trees were used as a canvas by the Native American artists. The carved symbols and pictograms into the tree bark provided a permanent record for the future generations of the tribe. Exciting Fact 4: Culture and beliefs were conveyed using symbols and pictograms through Native American Art projects. Exciting Fact 5: Bark, Rocks, cloth, Clay, stones and animal skins are a list of the materials which were used to make this art. Exciting Fact 6: Teepees were the display of earthly and spiritual art images were commonly painted by the men of the tribe. These images were re...